Fire safety inspections should be conducted as a pre-requisite to grants of permits and/or licenses by local governments or other government agencies (Section 7a).
Inspections should be done at least once a year and every time the owner, administrator or occupant shall renew his/her business permit or permit to operate (Sec. 5, (g))
Building plan review
Building owners/occupants are required to submit 6 sets of building plans and other pertinent documents to the City/Municipal Fire Marshal (Sec. a)
Upon assessment, buildings owners/occupants will be asked to pay Fire Code fees (Sec. a)
Submit the Fire and Life Safety Assessment Report 1 (FALAR)
City/Municipal Fire Marshal will either approve or disapprove the evaluated plans together with the Fire Safety Checklist (FSC) and the approved/disapproved Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance (FSEC)
Inspection during construction
Inspection after completion of construction
Submit the Fire and Life Safety Assessment Report 2 (FALAR)
Business and routine inspection
Submit the Fire and Life Safety Assessment Report 3 (FALAR)
If the building premises comply with the fire safety requirements and fire protective and/or warning systems such as fire sprinkler systems, automatic extinguishing systems, and fire alarms are properly installed, the City/Municipal Fire Marshal will issue the Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC)
No occupancy permit, business or permit to operate shall be issued without securing a Fire Safety Inspection Certification (FSIC) from the BFP Chief or his/her duly authorized representative (Sec. 5, (g))
Fire and Life Safety Assessment Report (FALAR) 1: Documentation on Fire and Life-Safety Features of the Facility – prepared by the Architect and his Fire Protection Consultant
Compilation of Plans/Specifications and design analysis
Fire and Life Safety Assessment Report (FALAR) 2: Documentations submitted by the Contractor/s and the Construction Manager certifying that the construction was in accordance with the FALAR 1 and authorized changes
Fire and Life Safety Assessment Report (FALAR) 3: Documentation on the required periodic maintenance of the fire and life-safety features of the facility – prepared by the building owner, his fire safety officer/authorized representative
Fire Insurance Data
All persons having fire insurance coverage on their properties and/or business shall submit a certified true copy of all coverages currently in effect, including subsequent and/or additional policies to the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction not later than ten (10) days after receipt of the document from any insurance company. Exempted from this requirement are owners of detached, single- or two-family dwellings actually being used for residential occupancy.
Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) – pre-requisite for issuance of Business or Mayor’s permit, Permit to Operate, Occupancy Permit, PHILHEALTH Accreditation for Hospitals, DOH License to Operate and other permits or licenses
Building Permit
Occupancy Permit
Every building or structure shall be provided with sufficient exits to permit the fast and safe escape. (Rule 10.2.2.A)
Every exit of structures shall be designed and maintained to provide free and unobstructed escape. (Rule 10.2.2.D)
No lock or fastening device that would prevent escape from the inside of any building shall be installed except in mental, penal, or correctional institutions where personnel are continually on duty.
Every exit shall be clearly visible. (Rule 10.2.2.E)
Each escape route, in its entirety, shall be arranged or marked that the way to safety is unmistakable. (Rule 10.2.2.E)
Passage constituting a way to reach an exit shall be marked to minimize confusion.
Any doorway not consulting to an exit shall be marked to minimize possible confusion.
All passageways of exit shall be provided with adequate and reliable light. (Rule 10.2.2.F)
Fire alarm systems shall be provided in every structure depending on size, arrangement, and occupancyto provide adequate warning to occupants. (Rule 10.2.2.G)
There should be various exit options in case any one safeguard is ineffective. (Rule 10.2.2.A)
Every structure depending on size, arrangement, and occupancy,shall have at least two means of escape remote from each other in order to minimize any possibility that both may be blocked by fire or other emergency conditions. (Rule 10.2.2.H)
Every vertical way of exit shall be enclosed or protected to afford safety of occupants while using these exits and to prevent spread of fire, smoke, or fumed through these. (Rule 10.2.2.I)
Occupants of structures must organize themselves and determine and implement a fire safety plan– a means to prevent fire in the premises, notify the BFP in case of fire, initial fire fighting, and evacuation of persons. (Rule 10.2.2.J)
The building owner shall take the initiative to formulate a fire safety plan and organize the occupants to implement it.
In buildings leased by several persons or companies, the management of each company shall be responsible for fire safety measures within the occupied areas. The building owner shall be responsible for the common areas.
For building under construction:
No building under construction shall be occupied in whole or in part until all exit requirements are completed, inspected and approved for occupancy. (Rule 10.2.2.L.1)
Existing buildings may be occupied during renovation provided that all existing fire protection systems are maintained. (Rule 10.2.2.J.2)
Flammable or explosive substances necessary for renovation may be introduced while the building is occupied provided that the use will not impair the use of escape routes.
Adequate escape facilities shall be maintained at all time in buildings under construction for the use of construction workers. (Rule 10.2.2.J.1)
PNP (Section, IRR Fire Code of 2008)
PNP will assist BFP during actual fire fighting operations and fire scene investigations
Business closure and summary abatement proceedings
Installation of signs that the building/structure is a fire hazard and/or fire trap
Obstruction of designated fire lanes and fire hydrants
Apprehension of violators/persons removing, destroying, tampering or obliterating warning sign
Other necessary police assistance
LGUs (Section, IRR Fire Code of 2008)
LGUs should refrain from issuing licenses and/or permits without the applicant first securing an FSIC from the BFP
Organization and training of fire drills in all barangays
Closure and/or stoppage of operation of buildings/structures or portions
Cooperation w/ other Agencies:
National and Local Waterworks
Electric Companies and Cooperatives